Friday, February 20, 2015

The Absurdity of Finals Weeks

 The Absurdity Of Finals

      The absurdity of believing that students are able to complete 2 tests in one day and then do that for 4 consecutive days in a row. We all need time in order to do things. Therefor if they want to fairly judge our capability, they must allow us to recharge. If the actual purpose of finals is to judge how poorly we will do under harsh conditions then I believe we should continue this tradition of a week of torture. However, it shouldn't be hard to spread it out and make it so we have only one per week for a solid month. And any of the people that want to go for 4 in a row should then have any option. This forced 4 day testing does not cater to everyone and all people operate on a different schedule. It is not fair to punish those who take longer to recover from 4 hour testing.
     I believe school systems should look over how they do any testing. There is certainly room to change policy and it would not affect the overall workings. However it could possibly benefit the students and in turn the overall grades.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

This Could Be Love (Pusher Flip) Review

This Could Be Love (Pusher Flip) Review

         I am going to start this off by saying I am a huge fan of Pusher, he seems like a very nice guy and also is able to create some amazing music. I am not a hater of Pusher, and I am actually quite a big fan of his work up until this point. With that out of the way, let's jump into the actually review.
        Pusher releases "This Could Be Love" in order to make top charts on a lesser known music website. The production of the samples and over all instruments he uses sound amazing, however he bases his whole song on the same rhythmic pattern he always uses. He basis most of his "drops" on this one synth. I suppose this song was the breaking point for me. It just seems he recycled most of his other songs and applied it to some song he liked.

       The point of this review is not to bash Pusher, but to hopefully incite improvement. With his other songs you can hear the effort he puts in, however this one is very obvious that just did not care. 

       I hope to hear more from Pusher and I look forward to his future work, but I know he is not reaching his potential AT ALL. I know that when he tries, it truly will be good, but this was just pitiful.